Appointments are generally needed to see a doctor or nurse. A scheduled appointment is usually 15 minutes in duration and would mean that you come in for a reasonably quick visit to deal with one matter. If you have more than one matter to deal with or have complex issues or need forms filled out, this would usually require a longer appointment and the next one is of atleast 30 minutes duration. This appointment gives you a good chance to have a few things resolved in the best possible way, without inconveniencing other patients waiting after you. Any medical examination or forms that need filling will require a longer consultation.
Here at Upwey Doctors, we regularly review our appointment availability and try to run a flexible approach to booking appointments in order to get patients seen when necessary. Whilst we do our utmost to accomodate you, outlined below is what you can expect from us.
We operate with two types of GP appointments. One is a scheduled appointment and the other is a walk-in/on the day appointmernt You can expect to be offered one of these on the same day you contact us (although same day consultations should be requested via telephone or face to face at reception). If you are offered a on the day appointmernt with a GP on the same day, you maybe required to wait as patients with scheduled appointments will be given preference over you.Children who are sick are usually given priority at all times and please advise the receptionist if you are concerned at the time of making the appointment.
Appointments can be pre-booked up to 3 months in advance and can be booked with our reception team on 9754 7566 or at reception. You can also request either appointment type online or via email and you will receive a call back from our reception team within 24 hours of your request being received with a definite appointment, and every effort will be made to meet your time and day requirements.
If you cannot attend,Upwey Doctors operates under a “Did not attend” policy and we will inform you if we have any concerns regarding the amount of times you “DNA” your pre-booked appointments. With this in mind it is important that you cancel your appointment if it is no longer required beforehand. You can do this online, via email, over the phone or face to face. We can then allocate this appointment to a patient who needs it.
FOR ALL ACCIDENTS & EMERGENCIES: Please call the surgery and the reception staff will direct you to our nurse who will advice you of the most appropriate course of action.

Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Health Care